Saturday, 14 June 2008

Yoga and Permaculture

At the end of the day permaculture, like yoga, or religion or vegetarianism is a way of being in the world - it's a lifestyle and a philosophy system - a way of being. Our very lovely teacher, who has both deep yoga and permaculture practices did a session where she interwove the two to show us how yoga could be connected to nature things and how permaculture can live in our bodies. As the holistic person, I am, the whole class really resonated with me.

We brainstormed on the following: "What I know to be true about life is .."

Here are the answers that rung true for me (my own included!)

"We are designed to thrive. Life is expansive, it has a pulse, it is intelligent, it's always changing, yet patterns repeat."

Taking the idea that everything starts from within, we can look at every thought we have and every act we do as gardening. What kind of gardens are we creating in our lives? The teacher mentioned that our hearts are designed to beat a certain number of times in our lives - so the slower the beats, the longer we'll live! That's a good incentive for slowing down!

Some other yogi like quotes that have come up (as we've just had yoga week here):

'Enlightenment is having intimacy with everything and no preference."

"Be happy for someone in their happiness, even if it doesn't resonate with you - unhappy people don't want advice, just compassion - when we see people doing good, support them, delight in them and be inspired by them (our culture has a tendency to tear them down) - if people are doing something bad, don't focus too much of your energy on them."

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